Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Job Search/Interview Mistakes

To help job seekers avoid costly mistakes, we polled over 100 fashion industry recruiters about their pet peeves. The Top 5 are as follows:

1) Applying to positions for which they are not qualified.
2) Unprepared for the interview (i.e.: not researching company, generic questions, etc...).
3) Poorly written resume and/or generic cover letter (or no cover letter at all).
4) Embellishing and/or falsifying their resume.
5) Aggressive job-seekers (i.e.: applying more than once, calling/emailing excessively, defensive attitude).

Honorable mentions include:
· Not following application instructions
· Arriving early/late to an interview
· Personal presentation (i.e. poorly dressed, too much perfume, etc.)
· Unenthusiastic about position, just wanting a job

The bottom line is that job seekers should be thoughtful in every step of the job search process. Remember, at the end of the day, it is people dealing with people.

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